Saturday, June 28, 2008


This was a week full of horses for me. Saturday all of the interns decided to go riding, so of course, I went too! Then that afternoon Chad asked me to machete the river trail so that people riding didn´t get scraped by the numerous thorn bushes. Luckily for me, Kyle is a pro with the machete so we got on Parnaso and Rubio and headed out. Kyle definately proved his skill with the machete, those trees were no match for him! Thanks to him, the trail is cleared and you no longer have to duck under tree limbs or wince as thorns dig into your legs!!!
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I gave trail rides to groups. Tuesday Kyle came with me in the afternoon which was awesome and then on Thursday Jaclyn went with me. She got to gallop Media Noche so she was happy!! Wednesday afternoon I practiced my roping with Ariel for at least an hour. I practiced until I couldn´t swing the rope anymore. I was figuring it didn´t help until Thursday afternoon when I roped three horses!! Ariel likes to tell me that I am learning, but he tells me while he is laughing so I can´t decide if he is being serious! Ariel and his brother Ever are awesome and are definately improving my Spanish. Ariel told me that he would teach me to rope and milk a cow if I taught him English. Seems like a pretty sweet deal to me!! On Thursday after Jaclyn and I rode we got to milk a cow. I´m pretty sure that we aren´t naturals at this particular skill since we didn´t get much milk out and then the guy squeezed another liter out after us! It was fun though!
Today was the best day of the week for me though. Samuel and I rode together (some may have called it a race) and he was on Rubio while I got on Domino. I must say, I like Domino, that horse has some real power!! I felt that it would be prudent to wear a helmet (even though it was too big) and Samuel saw me, and put one on too. Needless to say, Samuel finished first (did I mention he was bareback and I had a saddle????) but I have high hopes for me and Domino!!!

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