Check out these sweet pics! This first picture is one of the butt-huge ears of corn that we saw and plucked, complete with a few little ears growing out of the same spot. They were some of the biggest ears of corn I've ever seen.
This second picture is one of the really beautiful views afforded one by being in the corn patch---the misty highlands of southern Honduras! Just about everywhere you turn on the ranch, there are breathtaking views! I've had many-a-moment where I felt like I was back home in Wyoming (minus the palm
trees, of course). But my all-time favorite view spot of the summer is at the top of Pride Rock. Pride Rock is this big, tall rock escarpment close to the big house at the top of the ranch. It also happens to be one of the very few points on the ranch where you can see all down into the big valley down to the intern house, as well as all the way to the big valley on the other side of the mountains where the main highway to San Marcos is. Plus, there are huge, smooth rocks up there that aren't covered with a ton of thorny brush, and are perfect for chilling on and eating a picnic lunch. Nevertheless, this isn't a picture of Pride Rock, but it's still a pretty picture from where the corn plots are.

This next picture is a picture of the actual corn patch. You can see the different plots and how they are separated from one another by a little bit of space. At the top of the picture is where the little river is near the corn. The whole thing is nestled in a beautiful little valley, surrounded by verdant hills and mountains. There's also a little swinging wooden bridge that spans the river, and it was my favorite spot to eat a sack lunch, chilling out on the bridge and listening to the water trickling below. It's really relaxing and a nice break from measuring corn!

And finally, here's the ubiquitous corn guy---me decked out in all of my Honduras- and corn-etched glory, the utilitarian garb of the sun-drenched, the sweat-drenched, and the poop-drenched. Anyway, this is a picture I took as a size-comparison for my professor. Look how huge those corn stalks are! It's the tallest corn I've ever seen! So, I got a picture with it, of course. And, yes, I went on a safari after the picture was taken.
-- Dylan Wann
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