Sunday, July 15, 2007

Drip Irrigation Seminar

About 2-3 weeks ago, Healing Hands International sent two representatives to Las Palmas to conduct a "drip-irrigation" seminar for 20-30 Hondurans in our area. For an entire week, the Honduran farmers stayed in hotels in San Marcos and learned about composte, pests, drip-irrigation, and other agricultural topics that are helpful for farming here in this country. The seminar was no doubt a success, and it seemed like the men got a lot out of it. It was really neat to watch the men from different areas come together and learn something new that could make a big difference on their farms. The four plots and systems that the group built are located below the main barn and "Hacienda" and there are vegetables already growing. Samuel, one of our ranch managers, has been watching them and keeping water on them. He was one of the men that attended the seminar.

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