Monday, July 16, 2007

tarantulas and the like...

what makes a tarantula so repulsive? maybe it's the size. insects shouldn't be that size. maybe it's the hair on the legs... everyone prefers smooth legs, we know that. i generally really really really dislike spiders and all creatures of the arachnid genre, but for some reason tarantulas aren't that bad. maybe because they are more like small animals. fuzzy and warm. killing a tarantula is kinda like killing a mouse, i would suspect, though i haven't tried...either

we had the pleasure of seeing two such furry creatures guarding our back door at the ranch not too long ago. quite an adventure. and during our medical brigade in duyure, i had the opportunity of chatting with one in the bathroom stall. as soon as i sat down to do my business, i noticed her about two inches from my right foot. i thought about moving, but decided it was against my better judgement. we had a nice little discussion about how i didn't think tarantulas were harmful to people and then i was on my way. does anybody really know?

all this to say... really, tarantulas, though they might not be as pretty as we'd like them to be, they're not so bad and why should we be so afraid?


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