Sunday, July 6, 2008

Walking Sticks and Waterfalls

It´s Kendra again. Well this past week has been amazing. I was a medical translator for a medical brigade in Duyure all this week. I learned so much about medicine and more spanish. We saw so many people from Monday to Friday. Although, Friday was my favorite day because of what happened. We saw a woman who had fluid in her knee, so the doctor injected medicine into her knee. She could barely walk and it was even harder when she had a numb knee. She had walked two hours to the clinic and the doctor insisted that we find her a walking stick before she left. It was my job to get the walking stick.

While the woman waited in the pharmacy line, I asked the various Hondurans if we could get a walking stick. Danielo, the Duyure school administrator, tried everything he could think of. He even searched his house for a walking stick. We were wondering what we could do when one of the patients waiting in line gave Danielo a machete. It was not the normal machete for cutting wood, but a cumba which is used for weeding. Danielo took it gladly and went around to the side of the church. There was a row of trees growing by the church and he stood looking up into the branches. Finally he jumps up into the tree and starts climbing. He gets about 10 feet into the air and then chops down a branch. Then he proceeds to make 3 different walking sticks from the branch. The woman was able to choose her walking stick. I thought that this was an amazing experience to end the week because Danielo worked so hard to provide this woman with what she needed.

This weekend has been great too. Yesterday we rode horses and went to Tres Pilas, which are some awesome waterfalls. Today I went to church in Choluteca and I will go again tonight in San Marcos. God is teaching me so much here and I am loving every minute.

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